
Hypnotherapy for phobias

Do you have a phobia? Are you tired of letting fear control your life? Perhaps you waited to outgrow your fear only to find it has intensified over time.

Hypnotherapy may be the solution for you.

A phobia is a persistent and excessive fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Phobias greatly impact a person’s daily life, by interfering with daily activities, and relationships and often cause them to avoid certain situations and experiences.

So how does Hypnotherapy help?

At Hypnotherapist in Melbourne we know hypnotherapy reduces the intensity of the fear and anxiety associated with the phobia by addressing the root cause of the phobia and replacing negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones while the person is in a relaxed, focused state.

Common Phobias we see are fear of Heights (Acrophobia), enclosed spaces (Claustrophobia), needles (Trypanophobia), spiders (Arachnophobia), flying (Aerophobia), being sick (Emetophobia), Fear of public speaking (Glossophobia), dogs (Cynophobia) and driving (Amaxophobia) to name a few.

Hypnotherapy is a safe, gentle, and effective solution for children, teens and adults with phobias. For more information, please contact us today.