Why is hypnotherapy becoming the in thing-min

Why is Hypnotherapy becoming the “in thing”?

You know hypnotherapy is the next big thing when Katy Perry sings about in her latest number one hit and The New York times have quoted “Hypnosis is the epitome of mind body medicine.” So why is hypnotherapy becoming so popular?

The answer is that it’s not only natural but also successful. Results published in an American Health magazine were as follows; Psychoanalysis 38% of people recovered after 600 sessions. Behaviour therapy: 72% recovered after 22 sessions. Hypnotherapy: 93% recovered after 6 sessions.

Let’s start with what Hypnotherapy is;Simply put, it’s a natural, altered state of consciousness or a relaxed hyper suggestible state that we all experience from time to time. Just think back to a movie where you were so engrossed in the film that you ducked when a bullet was fired or cried when a character died, perhaps your physical surroundings blurred into the background and time flew by.Or maybe that time you drove to work but don’t recall stopping at red lights or round-a-bouts but you must have stopped as you arrived safely. This is self- hypnosis, in fact all hypnosis is self- hypnosis.

How does it work?

Hypnosis relaxes the conscious mind, this is responsible for analysing and thinking and accounts for only 5 – 10% of your mind power (basically it’s the icing on the cake). The therapist can then access your subconscious mind which is responsible for long term memory, involuntary body functions, intuition, emotions, values and beliefs accountable for 90 – 95% of your mind power (think actual cake!). By directly addressing the subconscious, Hypnotherapists can help you discover your own inner resources and embrace alternative, healthy and helpful ways of being.

I’m worried I will lose control.

Relax, hypnotherapy is a gentle and safe therapy. You are in control 100% of the time, if a therapist suggests something that goes against your personal values it will simply reject the suggestion. I work with children, teens and adults who are all aware they are the one making the change and “hypnotizing” themselves. Young children don’t even need to close their eyes.

What issues can a Hypnotherapist help with?

Pretty much anything. Most people think smoking and weight loss when they hear the word hypnotherapy. The most common thing I see is Anxiety with 25% of Australians experiencing it at some point in their life. It also works a treat for Irritable Bowel syndrome(IBS), addictions, fears, phobias, PTSD, lack of motivation, a broken heart, grief, Anger, depression, fertility issues,procrastination, improve sports performance, I could go on.

How do I find a good Hypnotherapist?

Word of mouth is the best way, otherwise you can do research on the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) website or The Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA) website. This will list registered hypnotherapists in your local area and their specialties. It is important you find someone you feel comfortable with and trust for best results.